nvnvk_COLORMOD_settings_4different views_set_coudy.zip
I WIN ON ABSOLUTELY DARK brithness turn OFF. night CLOSE_40_LOW_altd_REVERSE_rcbaron_fly_races -7 errors. BET IS 100000 $ AND 3 POINTS
I WIN ABSOLUTELY DARK brithness turn OFF. ON SNOW(musch easy but still dark) night CLOSE_40_LOW_altd_REVERSE_rcbaron_fly_races -3 errors. BET IS MINIMUM 50000 $ AND 2 POINTS
I WIN ABSOLUTELY DARK brithness turn OFF. ON NIGHT & CLODY (much easy but vampire view 23:00 hour(MUST COPY MY colormod.ini & timecyc.dat) CLOSE_40_LOW_altd_REVERSE_rcbaron_fly_races -2 errors. BET IS MINIMUM 25 000 $ WHO WANTS!!!! AND 1 POINT
I WIN ABSOLUTELY DARK brithness turn OFF. ON NIGHT & CLODY (much easy but REPTILE view 22:20-23:00 hour(MUST COPY MY colormod.ini & timecyc.dat) CLOSE_40_LOW_altd_REVERSE_rcbaron_fly_races -2 errors. BET IS MINIMUM 25 000 $ WHO WANTS!!!! AND 1 POINT
AND 40_LOW_altd_rcbaron fly races I FINISH WITH 3 ERRROS(now is more easy put traffic density on 10.0) and play 20to25 -(all 5 races) and 10 to15 race 3, and 35 to 40 ( races 1,2) AND NOW YOU HAVE A BIG CHANCE TO WIN- 50000 $ and 2 points win/loose
YOU NEEDED 6 POINTS TO BEAT ME YOU HAVE AT ALL 6 GAMES( remark you can repeat 6 times and just the 1st race AS YOU WISH)